Well life is taking all sorts of twists and turns at the moment and guess what its all good. Ive been doing some part time work on the side recently for the Stats Department and its been great to get out and meet new people. Great for the confidence skills and communicating.
I recently got nominated for a reflexologist of the year award and it was kinda cool to have the nomination. It encouraged me to attend the national conference and I made a wee adventure out of it. I connected with one of my daughters who lives in Christchurch now. The conference was great I got to stay in 5 star conference accomodation and reconnected with a great bunch of colleagues who all share the reflexology passion and that’s what makes it so awesome. Taking time out to meet up with fellow friends and colleagues who I often get to talk to only at annual conferences. Its a great way to find out what people are doing and how they are integrating reflexology in their lives and practices. As a reflexologist you are on your own as a practitioner and its always great to find time to rekindle the passion and keep the skills and knowledge going.
Conference has shown me that I need to actually finish my foot chart and get it out into the world. So my challenge is to get it done.