The lotus is symbolic for me as I make a decision to move forward and get back into my reflexology practice again.
The lotus flower symbolizes rising from a dark place into beauty and rebirth, as this is exactly how a lotus flower grows. Lotus flowers grow directly out of muddy and murky waters and produce beautiful white and pink blossoms.
I have had a wee break in the darkness doing some personal journey and learning work and down time after a very busy time of my life as a volunteer for our national reflexology organisation as well as being a mum to 3 children and holding down a household juggling parttime work you name it I have managed it but now that one of my children is actually earning a real income I feel I can relax just a little and make some changes in my life.
I am planning on sharing my reflexology journey on this blog so if you are interested please follow and share if you like my journey as I am finding this as a way of expressing my journey and helping myself to move forward with this particular therapy in the way that I know how and my aim is to get reflexology to be a more known household word and a therapy that can be very beneficial for people.
I do understand that there are many therapists out there already practicing and they all have their own points of view about reflexology and something to consider is that reflexology has been around for many years in many ways and in many different cultures and they all have their own ways of expressing the working with the points in the feet.